What is the cheapest way to send money from Australia to Nepal?
Do you know about the digital remittance service, which has the cheapest way to send money to your loved one…
Read MoreWhat is an eSewa wallet? How to send money to eSewa wallet from Australia?
Many of you who have been living in Australia might not be familiar with the eSewa mobile wallet. But back…
Read MoreThe Essence of Tihar: Light up your loved one’s life
Tihar also termed Deepawali and Yamapanchak is the second most popular festival of Nepalis. Tihar is a five-day festival honouring the victory of light over…
Read MoreThe Essence of Dashain: Celebration of Truth
Dashain is one of the most cherished festivals of Nepal, celebrated by Nepalis, throughout the world. Dashain usually falls in…
Read MoreSend Money As A Teej Gift To Your Loved Ones In Nepal
Teej is the holy festival primarily celebrated by Nepali women all over the world. Also known as Haritalika Teej, the…
Read MoreSend money to Nepal for no-fee on Father’s Day and get NRS 100 mobile top-up BONUS
Kushe Aaunsi, Pitri Tirpani Aaunsi or Gokarne Aaunsi is a Father’s Day festival in Nepal. This is a special day…
Read Moreअष्ट्रेलियावाट अवैधानिक पैसा पठाउने कम्पनि (हुण्डी) कसरी पहिचान गर्ने ?
२०२० को फेब्रुअरी देखि अक्टोवर २०२० सम्म नेपाल भित्रिएको रिमिटेन्स देशकूल रु (मिलियन)हिस्सा (%)अमेरिका१४६,०२०.५०२०.८४भारत७८,२०७.००११.१६कतार७५,६३१.७०१०.७९साउदी अरेबिया७३,३२८.७०१०.४६संयुक्त अरब ईमिरेट्स७३,१३७.६०१०.४४मलेसिया६६,७३२.८०९.५२जापान५५,०६९.२०७.८६अन्य३३,५९५.१०४.७९कोरिया३३,४१३.४०४.७७अष्ट्रेलिया२५,०६४.८०३.५८कुवेत१५,७९५.१०२.२५संयुक्त अधिराज्य (बेलायत)१४,३८५.७०२.०५बहराईन१०,४२६.३०१.४९जम्मा७००,८०७.८०१०० हुण्डी…
Read MoreHow to identify the illegal money transfer company (Hundi) in Australia?
If you are a Nepali in Australia who doesn’t know how to distinguish whether the Money Transfer Company (MTCs) is…
Read MoreHow does PayRu Remit work?
If you want to know how PayRu Remit works, look no further. We’ve put together a step-by-step procedure to guide…
Read Moreपेरु रेमिटले कसरी काम गर्छ ?
यदि तपाई पेरु रेमिटले कसरी काम गर्छ भनी जान्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने, तपाईलाई क्रमबद्द रुपमा पेरुको वारेमा स्पष्ट पार्दछौं । Sign…
Read MorePayRu Remit: common questions
Need help deciding whether to send money to Nepal with PayRu? We have put together a few of the Frequently…
Read Moreपेरु रेमिट बारे महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी
नेपाल पैसा पठाउने सम्वन्धमा पेरु रेमिट सही माध्यम हो कि होइन भनी तपाईहरुलाइ बारम्बार मनमा आउने केहि जिज्ञासाहरुको उत्तर .........…
Read MoreSend money to Nepal with PayRu for your chance to win $200
Need to send money to Nepal? We have got good news for you. We are giving our customers the chance…
Read MoreWhy PayRu Remit is best money transfer service for sending money to Nepal?
If you are an immigrant or expat from Nepal and you frequently send money home, then you want your Money…
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